Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Mentoring For Senior Professional Field - 1096 Words

Mentoring is an interregnal part of every professional field. Organizations that pursue future improvement and development focus on mentoring by means of inviting internal and external professionals to mentor junior members. Mentoring is a rather complex subject and often takes serious preparation on the part of a mentor. Just being an experienced professional is not enough for becoming a good mentor for juniors. Mentoring is a responsible activity, which requires high levels of patience, professionalism, ethics, enthusiasm, tolerance and skills. Even though most of organizations mention highly developed training programs, in practice mentoring is still a new territory for most of them and often the professionals cannot properly explain what actually makes a good mentor and what efficient mentoring should include. The field of engineering is one of the professional spheres where young specialists are in high demand since there is a growing skills shortage in this field. To be able to function effectively in the future, engineering companies must take the issue of skills and professional scarcity seriously and improve mentoring methods in order to prepare highly qualified workers for the future. The word â€Å"mentor† comes from ancient Greek mythology, Mentor was the name of the teacher of Odysseus’s son (Miller 3). Today this word is used to refer to wise and reliable supervisors. First of all, mentoring is based on a relationship between a mentor and a protà ©gà ©. The successShow MoreRelatedMentoring : A Integrated Mentoring Program1324 Words   |  6 PagesINTRODUCTION The goal of mentoring in military organizations is to help junior personnel reach their full potential by having senior personnel help develop them, and pass on their practical expertise and professional knowledge to personnel who are committed to advancement and success (United States, 1995). 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