Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Planning and Managing Effective Communication †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Planning and Managing Effective Communication. Answer: Introduction This report has reflected the intents of effective business communication and how a person could make effective use of these communication in determined approach. There are several business communication intents such as planning, controlling, organizing and managing the work. It is evaluated that if a person is not having effective business communication tool then it may impact his personal and professional life. With the ramified economic growth and fast moving world each and every person is getting constraints with his communication problem while delivering required words with each other. This report reflect the implication of proper communication diagnostic tools and how a person could use these diagnostic tools to make effective use of factors. Another part of this report is literature review in which the effectiveness of communication and diagnostic tools have been described by evaluating various communication article (Warren, Fey Yoder, 2007). With the ramified change and human behavior, it is observed that diagnostic tools are the most essential part which are used by person to gauge their own demerits and hurdles in effective communication. There are several diagnostic communication tools which have been used by my teachers to evaluate my own communication problems. These diagnostic tools have shown how I could make changes in my existing communication process to make it effective. However, there are several negative factors which I should evaluate to make my communication learning effective (Ware, 2012). Nonetheless, there are five diagnostic tools named as self-assessment scale, talk holic scale, self- assessment scale, willingness to listen, Talk- holic, nonverbal immediacy scale- self report, individual report intercultural correspondence apprehension(PRICA). These each and every diagnostic tool has different meaning and has been implemented to identify the negative program of gauging my own demerits in effective com munication The first diagnostic tool that I have used in gauging my effective communication is related to talk holic assessment. This has shown that how much I talk with others with relevant words. In this assessment I have got 6 marks. This has shown that I am very less talkative person and give less time to talk with other persons. As per the perception of Leonard, Graham Bonacum, (2014) There is another diagnostic tool which I have used is self-assessment. In this diagnostic tool I have got average 7 marks. I have observed that I have widen thought process to gauge the learning things and evaluating my own demerits while talking with others. Another diagnostic tool is willingness to learn. It has shown how eager I am to learn new things. In this process, I have got 7 marks. It reflects that I am very much inclined towards learning new things an divergent innovation idea. There is another diagnostic tool which I have used is non-verbal immediacy scale self-report that depicts the how deliberately I could act on the particular situation. In this diagnostic tool I got 7 marks which shows that I am very up to date while answering and attempting particular problems. This has shown that I am very good in assessing new ideas and divergent thinking to make effective use of working (Halawah, 2015) After evaluating these diagnostic tools, I have realized that these diagnostic tools could use these diagnostic tools to consider the factors where I need to make changes in my learning style. I observed that if I could follow proper learning and effective working style in my communication then I could overcome all the communication issues and problems in determined approach. However, I have got more than average rating which is good for me. In addition to this, I could mitigate these possible communication issues by using these diagnostic tools and proper training program in determined approach (Brandes, et al. 2009). These two issues identified in this section has shown my own inabilities in learning effective communication issues. If I could use these diagnostic tools in effective manner then it will not only help in covering my own demerits but also increase my own communication intent in effective manner. I should take classes from experts or persons who can effectively navigate me to the best level of achievement. It is evaluated that diagnostic tools could only give me the pathways to improve my shortcoming but in order to mitigate these issues I need to make improvisation in my own attitude and learning outcomes. However, these diagnostic tools named self-assessment scale, talk holic scale, self- assessment scale, willingness to listen, nonverbal immediacy scale- self report, and individual report intercultural correspondence could only showcase how well I could diminish my own shortcoming in communication issues. It is evaluated that diagnostic tools could only give idea about the shortcoming or my problems in communication but in order to mitigate these issues I have to take classes and other program to improvise my own communication program. It is considered that communication is the main intent of success. If I could not overcome these issues then it will surely ruin my personal and professional life. I have to take classes and attend seminars to understand how people speak or communicate with others. The best way to overcome these communication issue is to talk to obscure persons. This will help me to gather my confidence while speaking or giving speech. It is considered that for the bet ter and successful life I need to improvise my own learning outcomes. This will help me to broader my divergent thinking and effective communication program. These diagnostic tools self-assessment scale, talk holic scale, self- assessment scale, willingness to listen, Talk- holic, nonverbal immediacy scale- self report, individual report intercultural correspondence have divulged my own demerits and measured my own problems in qualitative terms. However, I have got more than average marks in my own effective communication test. If I could make effective use of these diagnostic tools then next time I could get better rating in my communication style. As per the perception of Stokoe, (2014), with the changes in human behavior and complex human perception, each and every person should have effective communication if they wants to communicate with each others in effective manner. In addition to this, effective communication is totally dependent upon internal and external factors. It is evaluated that if a person could not manage his communication issues then it could not only destroy his communicated message but also result to negative outcome in his professional life as well (Vangelisti, (2016). It is evaluated that many organizations and humans have faced communication issues while operating their work. It is evaluated that there are several companies such as Wesfarmers, Woolworths, Morrison and GE capital that have created core competency in market by using effective communication between all of its members. There are several persons who have job to teach others by teaching them the communication intents (Austin Pinkleton, 2015). The main effectiveness of communication is totally dependent upon the choice of words and relevancy at the particular time (Onwuegbuzie Dickinson, (2008). For instance, If a person is using hard jargon in school in front of children then it will nothing more than cumbersome process. As stated by Rosenberg Chopra, (2015) this will not only make hard for students to understand his words but also result to non-sentence meaning. Therefore, each and every person should use relevant words while communicating with others. However, diagnostic tools could only help in identifying the problems and issues which a person is facing in his learning process. If wants to overcome these communication issues then he needs to understand the factors and problems which resulted to non-effective communication. There are two main issues which I have faced in my life. However, these two identified issues have been mitigated by me in effective manner by following proper learning outcomes and classes. I have faced two incident in my life which reflects how I have mitigated these communication problems in determined approach. These two communication issues has shown my incapacities and danger of my career which I would have faced I have not overcome these issues. In one of the event, I was asked by my uncle to host the party (Wenger, 2014). At that time I realized that I was good in management of work but due to certain factors, when I was giving welcome speech to members, I got nervous. I had sudden blood pump in my body and my whole body was shivering. I realized that I had stage fear at that time (West Turner,2013)., Somehow, I managed the situation but I realize that I had stage fear. Another issue which I faced was related to taking to unknown person (Austin Pinkleton, 2015). It was like when I was conversation with other person who was talking about the GDP growth rate of world. I was blanked at time. I realized that I could not speak up much due to my lack of knowledge on that particular subject matter. In both cases I used self-assessment diagnostic tool to identify my own shortcoming in effective (Rosenberg, Chopra, 2015). Communication. My issue of talking to obscure person was increasing throughout the time which could be very high loss to my career. This level of problem was diminishing my own confidence. I realized that I could use these diagnostic tools to identify where I need to make improvement in my life. However, my communication issues could be managed if I could take proper training and communication class. In addition to this, I need to broaden my thought and learning process so that I could make myself as efficient as I am. I need to learn how to build confidence while taking with others. These diagnostic tools could only showcase where I need to make improvement. However, I have to adopt training and proper learning style to make effective use of resource to make my communication effective (Krum, (2013). Now in the end, it could be inferred that these diagnostic tools could help me to identify my communication problems and issues in determined approach. In addition to this, these five diagnostic tools showcase where I need to make improvement to increase the effectiveness of my own communication better. After evaluating each and every factor of these assessment process, I have realized that proper communication and its effective use while transferring information with others is the most essential part of personal and professional life. If a person could manage these issues then he could easily mitigate his personal and professional problems by using effective communication style (Arnold Boggs, (2015). After evaluating my own communication issues of welcoming guest and talking with obscure persons, I have realized that I could overcome these issues only by undertaking proper practice program or self-control program. I have realized that these two communication issues which I have fac ed in my life could put negative impact on my personal and professional life. If I could not mitigate these issue in given time manner then it will showcase the negative outlook in my own working. If I have realized that I need to make improvement in my communication style. Divergent thinking and adopting new learning may increase the overall effectiveness of my communication intents. I could mitigate these issues only by practice not preaching it. Now in the end, it could be inferred that poor communication technique and pathway may result to destruction of better career in my life. It is evaluated that if proper level of diagnostic tool is implemented then it will distrust the effective communication if I could use practice way to mitigate these two identified communication issue then I will surely get the better results. Books and other data could enhance my thinking and analytical process but to take in action I need to use practical approach for the same. References Arnold, E. C., Boggs, K. U. (2015).Interpersonal Relationships-E-Book: Professional Communication Skills for Nurses. Elsevier Health Sciences. Austin, E. W., Pinkleton, B. E. (2015).Strategic public relations management: Planning and managing effective communication campaigns(Vol. 10). Routledge. Austin, E. W., Pinkleton, B. E. (2015).Strategic public relations management: Planning and managing effective communication campaigns(Vol. 10). Routledge. Brandes, U., Kenis, P., Raab, J., Schneider, V., Wagner, D. (2009). Explorations into the visualization of policy networks.Journal of theoretical politics,11(1), 75-106. Halawah, I. (2015). The relationship between effective communication of high school principal and school climate.Education,126(2). Krum, R. (2013).Cool infographics: Effective communication with data visualization and design. John Wiley Sons. Leonard, M., Graham, S., Bonacum, D. (2014). The human factor: the critical importance of effective teamwork and communication in providing safe care.Quality and Safety in Health Care,13(suppl 1), i85-i90. Onwuegbuzie, A. J., Dickinson, W. B. (2008). Mixed methods analysis and information visualization: Graphical display for effective communication of research results.The Qualitative Report,13(2), 204-225. Rosenberg, M., Chopra, D. (2015).Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships. PuddleDancer Press. Rosenberg, M., Chopra, D. (2015).Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships. PuddleDancer Press.Stacks, D. W., Salwen, M. B. (Eds.). (2014).An integrated approach to communication theory and research. Routledge. Stokoe, E. (2014). The Conversation Analytic Role-play Method (CARM): A method for training communication skills as an alternative to simulated role-play.Research on Language and Social Interaction,47(3), 255-265. Vangelisti, A.L., (2016). On the importance of communication research.Communication Education,65(4), pp.501-504. Ware, C. (2012).Information visualization: perception for design. Elsevier. Warren, S. F., Fey, M. E., Yoder, P. J. (2007). Differential treatment intensity research: A missing link to creating optimally effective comm Wenger, E. (2014).Artificial intelligence and tutoring systems: computational and cognitive approaches to the communication of knowledge. Morgan Kaufmann. West, R., Turner, L. H. (2013). 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